Ducks Unlimited History and Ongoing Mission
DU has conserved at least 12.5 million acres — perhaps more than 13.8 million acres — of waterfowl habitat in North America. DU partners with a wide range of corporations, governments, other non-governmental organizations, landowners, and private citizens to restore and manage areas that have been degraded and to prevent further degradation of existing wetlands.
DU is also active in working with others to recommend government policies that will positively influence wetlands and the environment. DU generated more than $235 million in revenues during their 2012 fiscal year, of which a minimum of 80 percent goes directly toward habitat conservation. Our sources of revenue include federal and state habitat reimbursements, conservation easements, sponsors and members, major gifts and donations and royalties/advertisement.
Through its conservation activities, DU benefits biodiversity, water quality, the environment and the economy in the areas in which it is active. DU has expanded its operations to include conservation projects in every state of the United States and in Mexico. It retains primary focus on habitats most important to waterfowl; including the restoration of duck breeding habitat in Canada and the northern central states, and also duck overwintering habitat, mostly in the coastal and southern states and in Mexico.
In keeping with Ducks Unlimited's founders' intentions, the organization promotes the continuation of safe and regulated waterfowl hunting. The majority of DU's financial contributors and 90 percent of members are hunters.
Methods of Conservation
Ducks Unlimited places strong emphasis on science and research. It works closely with biologists and ecologists to evaluate habitat needs and to monitor how birds respond to various environmental changes. Some of the methods used by Ducks Unlimited to conserve habitats are:
Restoring grassland
Grassland cover helps hens conceal their nests and increases their chances of successfully hatching a clutch, as well as increases sexual productivity and heightens the chance of producing offspring.
Replanting forests
Forests that flood regularly due to overflowing riverbanks, such as the bottomland hardwood forests in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley make for ideal wintering habitat for ducks, and provide essential breeding and foraging habitat for other wildlife species. However, 80% of these forests have been cleared and natural flooding has been reduced by 50–90%.
Restoring watersheds
When watersheds are disturbed, contaminants wash into wetlands and disrupt the plants, fish and animals. DU restores drained wetlands, protects stream corridors and establishes buffer strips that filter nutrients and silt.
Educating landowners
DU works with farmers, ranchers and other landowners to improve the agricultural and recreational value of their land while making it more wildlife-friendly.
Conservation easements
Conservation easements protect the natural resource values of a property in perpetuity. The landowner maintains actual ownership of the land, but agrees to certain development restrictions. Since 75% of U.S. wetlands are on private property, conservation easements play a crucial role in the conservation movement.
Acquiring land
The direct purchase of wetlands to restore and protect it. Once restoration is complete, DU generally sells or donates the property to a group or agency that will manage it for wildlife.
Ducks Unlimited also works closely with government leaders, conservation leaders, private landowners and farmers to ensure that environmental provisions are contained in the Farm Bill. The Farm Bill supports programs such as the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP).