DU Involvement in Texas and the Coastal Bend

Texas is part of the Central Flyway and provides important winter habitat for waterfowl that are produced in the U.S. and Canadian prairies. Texas is unique in that it winters 90 percent of duck populations and 75 percent of snow goose populations found in the Central Flyway. Rice fields, prairie wetlands and associated coastal marshes provide important habitat for hundreds of thousands of white-fronted geese, several species of diving ducks, mottled ducks and other species of puddle ducks. Notably, Corpus Christi is home to approximately 80% of the wintering Redhead duck population.

DU has worked to conserve more than 228,000 acres of waterfowl habitat throughout Texas since 1985. Our goal is to conserve habitat to secure the future of waterfowl throughout Texas and North America. Your support of DU will help us achieve that goal.

Ongoing and Recently Completed Projects

Texas Coastal Restoration of Coastline and Hydrology

Texas Refuge Habitat Enhanced to Protect Gulf Coast

New Breakwaters Will Conserve Texas Coastal Marshes

Historic Partnership Formed to Protect the Guadalupe River System

Texas: Prairie Wetlands Project

DU Texas conservation efforts welcome southbound waterfowl

Lower Rio Grande Valley NWR

McFaddin NWR - Wild Cow Bayou

McFaddin NWR Willow Slough

San Bernard NWR Marsh Restoration

Texas Conservation Projects